In order to complete a spousal transfer suitability report for you we will need the following information
    First Name*
    Last Name*
    Email Address*
    Telephone Number*
    Please provide details of income you each expect to receive 6 April - 5 April
    1) Employment income
    Partner 1
    Partner 2
    2) Savings income
    Partner 1
    Partner 2
    3) Dividend income
    Partner 1
    Partner 2
    4) Any other income
    Partner 1
    Partner 2
    Please also provide us with the following rental information for the same period
    Name of Property for identification purposes
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    1) Rental income per annum
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    2) Expenses (excluding mortgage interest) per annum
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    3) Mortgage interest per annum
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    4) Is this a qualifying furnished holiday let?
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    5) Outstanding mortgage balance (Estimate)
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    6) Current ownership split (i.e. 50/50)
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    7) Type of ownership if known (Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common)
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    8) How many children do you have?
    9) Do you or your spouse receive any government benefits? If yes, please provide details.
    Finally, please provide us with the following information
    1) Do you have any available rental losses to offset against future rental profits? Please provide amounts or if NIL please state.
    Property 1
    Property 2
    Property 3
    Property 4
    2) Is there any other relevent information you feel may assist us in creating your suitability report?
    Please obtain your proof of identities (i.e. copy passports) and proof of your addresses dated within the last 3 months (i.e. copy Council Tax statements).
    File 1
    File 2
    File 3
    File 4

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