Illegal eviction: police likely to arrest more landlords
Illegal eviction: police likely to arrest more landlords
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on August 31, 2023

Very few landlords are currently prosecuted for illegal eviction. This may change as London police get new guidance on eviction law.

Reporting tax fraud nets whistleblowers £509,000
Reporting tax fraud nets whistleblowers £509,000
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on August 22, 2023

Reporting tax fraud netted whistleblowers over £500,000 during the last tax year. But would a more transparent system recoup more?

How to claim a Child Trust Fund as £1.7bn remains untouched
How to claim a Child Trust Fund as £1.7bn remains untouched
Posted by Ben Locker on August 7, 2023

Do you want to know how to claim a Child Trust Fund? Huge numbers of young people have an average of £1,900 lying unclaimed.

Allowable expenses for employees – could you claim back tax?
Allowable expenses for employees – could you claim back tax?
Posted by Karen Jones on July 31, 2023

If you are employed, you may be able claim tax relief on a range of allowable expenses for employees – without having to fill in a tax return

HMRC interest rates rise for the fifth time in 2023
HMRC interest rates rise for the fifth time in 2023
Posted by Karen Jones on July 31, 2023

HMRC interest rates are going up for the third time this year. We explain how much HMRC will be charging on late tax payments.

Inherited pensions may become subject to income tax
Inherited pensions may become subject to income tax
Posted by Ian Henman on July 24, 2023

HMRC has announced new proposals that could remove tax-free benefits on pensions inherited by someone who died before the age of 75.

Savings tax bites as interest rates rise
Savings tax bites as interest rates rise
Posted by Karen Jones on July 17, 2023

More and more people are falling into the savings tax trap. We look at why this is happening and ways of legitimately cutting your tax bill.

Do you pay tax on state pension? You might have to soon
Do you pay tax on state pension? You might have to soon
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on July 13, 2023

Thanks to the ‘triple lock’ and high inflation, many people face paying tax on state pension payments. We explain why this is happening.

How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
Posted by Ben Locker on July 11, 2023

HMRC recently issued advice on how to avoid pension and tax scams. We show you how to protect yourself from the scammers.

Free business advice for Essex firms
Free business advice for Essex firms
Posted by Mark Ingle on July 6, 2023

Is your company based in Essex? If so, you may be able to benefit from 12 hours of free business advice from Backing Essex Business.

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