Plastic Packaging Tax Returns – what do I need to know?
Plastic Packaging Tax Returns – what do I need to know?
Posted by Ben Locker on June 14, 2024

We tell you all that you will need to know about plastic packaging tax and tax returns.

IFS launches report on UK tax record
IFS launches report on UK tax record
Posted by Karen Jones on June 13, 2024

The Institute for Fiscal Studies released a report on the UK’s tax record since 2010. We look at the key points and what they mean.

What’s in the Finance Act 2024?
What’s in the Finance Act 2024?
Posted by Karen Jones on June 10, 2024

The Finance Act (No. 2) 2024 recently passed into law. We look at the measures that made it into the legislation – and some that didn’t.

VAT registration problems? You’re not alone
VAT registration problems? You’re not alone
Posted by Mark Ingle on June 6, 2024

If you’ve experienced VAT registration problems, you’re not alone. HMRC turns down thousands of applications each year.

Tax Rebate Companies in HMRC’s sights
Tax Rebate Companies in HMRC’s sights
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 5, 2024

Tax rebate companies promise refunds – but often take a huge slice of what you’re owed. HMRC is now seeking views on repayment agents.

R&D tax credits – a guide for businesses in 2024
R&D tax credits – a guide for businesses in 2024
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 4, 2024

There have been changes to R&D tax credits in recent years. We look at the current system and how you can claim for the R&D you do.

Buy-to-let reforms: what they mean for landlords
Buy-to-let reforms: what they mean for landlords
Posted by Ben Locker on May 31, 2024

The government’s white paper, ‘A fairer private rented sector’, outlines buy-to-let reforms that will have major implications for landlords.

The Register of Overseas Entities: what you need to know
The Register of Overseas Entities: what you need to know
Posted by Mark Ingle on May 24, 2024

Companies House has introduced a new Register of Overseas Entities. Foreign owners of property now need to register their real identities.

Renters (Reform) Bill won’t become law
Renters (Reform) Bill won’t become law
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on May 24, 2024

After announcing the general election, parliament had two days to pass outstanding bills – and the Renters (Reform) Bill will not become law.

Holiday home tax crackdown
Holiday home tax crackdown
Posted by Karen Jones on May 20, 2024

HMRC is currently undertaking a holiday home tax crackdown, opening investigations into owners it believes aren’t paying the correct taxes.

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