Is it time to make a lasting power of attorney?
Is it time to make a lasting power of attorney?
Posted by Ben Locker on July 3, 2023

Is it time to make a lasting power of attorney? In short, yes! It’s never too early to protect your financial and health affairs.

Electronic sales suppression fraud: HMRC clamps down
Electronic sales suppression fraud: HMRC clamps down
Posted by Ben Locker on June 29, 2023

HMRC is clamping down on electronic sales suppression fraud – sometimes called ’till fraud’. Don’t become the target of an HMRC dawn raid!

Tax gap at £36bn – small businesses to face HMRC scrutiny?
Tax gap at £36bn – small businesses to face HMRC scrutiny?
Posted by Ben Locker on June 26, 2023

HMRC has released its latest tax gap figures. With small businesses accounting for 56% of unpaid tax, will SMEs be in the taxman’s sights?

State pension top-up deadline extended to 2025 – don’t miss out!
State pension top-up deadline extended to 2025 – don’t miss out!
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 22, 2023

HMRC has extended the state pension top-up deadline. You now have until 2025 to make any missing NI contributions and boost your entitlement.

Self-assessment threshold – what you need to know
Self-assessment threshold – what you need to know
Posted by Karen Jones on June 19, 2023

The self-assessment threshold for PAYE income is currently £150,000. This post tells you what you need to know about the threshold.

Free SME cyber security service
Free SME cyber security service
Posted by Ben Locker on June 15, 2023

The National Cyber Security Centre has a free SME cyber security service. This is what you need to know about it.

Can’t pay VAT? HMRC has online payment plans
Can’t pay VAT? HMRC has online payment plans
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 8, 2023

Can’t pay VAT? If your business meets certain criteria, you may be able to make use of HMRC’s online payment plan service.

Change your Will – to pay for pizza?
Change your Will – to pay for pizza?
Posted by Ben Locker on June 5, 2023

Fancy paying for your pizzas after your death? A New Zealand firm is offering just that, but there are better reasons to change your Will.

The new landlord register is coming – time to declare your income?
The new landlord register is coming – time to declare your income?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on May 22, 2023

A compulsory landlord register will soon be introduced in England. If you haven’t declared rental income, do it now to keep penalties lower.

HMRC Connect – how the taxman is spying on you
HMRC Connect – how the taxman is spying on you
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on May 18, 2023

Did you know the taxman has a powerful data gathering system that uses Artificial Intelligence? Learn what HMRC can find out about you.

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