How to claim a Child Trust Fund as £1.7bn remains untouched
How to claim a Child Trust Fund as £1.7bn remains untouched
Posted by Ben Locker on August 7, 2023

Do you want to know how to claim a Child Trust Fund? Huge numbers of young people have an average of £1,900 lying unclaimed.

HMRC interest rates rise for the fifth time in 2023
HMRC interest rates rise for the fifth time in 2023
Posted by Karen Jones on July 31, 2023

HMRC interest rates are going up for the third time this year. We explain how much HMRC will be charging on late tax payments.

How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
Posted by Ben Locker on July 11, 2023

HMRC recently issued advice on how to avoid pension and tax scams. We show you how to protect yourself from the scammers.

Electronic sales suppression fraud: HMRC clamps down
Electronic sales suppression fraud: HMRC clamps down
Posted by Ben Locker on June 29, 2023

HMRC is clamping down on electronic sales suppression fraud – sometimes called ’till fraud’. Don’t become the target of an HMRC dawn raid!

Could a delayed phone call land you with a tax investigation?
Could a delayed phone call land you with a tax investigation?
Posted by Karen Jones on June 16, 2023

Tax investigations – waiting to speak to the taxman causes major problems for taxpayers can it even lead to a tax investigation?

Can’t pay VAT? HMRC has online payment plans
Can’t pay VAT? HMRC has online payment plans
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 8, 2023

Can’t pay VAT? If your business meets certain criteria, you may be able to make use of HMRC’s online payment plan service.

The new landlord register is coming – time to declare your income?
The new landlord register is coming – time to declare your income?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on May 22, 2023

A compulsory landlord register will soon be introduced in England. If you haven’t declared rental income, do it now to keep penalties lower.

HMRC Connect – how the taxman is spying on you
HMRC Connect – how the taxman is spying on you
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on May 18, 2023

Did you know the taxman has a powerful data gathering system that uses Artificial Intelligence? Learn what HMRC can find out about you.

HMRC tax Investigations – make sure you are covered!
HMRC tax Investigations – make sure you are covered!
Posted by Mark Boulter on April 17, 2023

HMRC have increased their computing capacity making them more efficient at conducting tax investigations for all size businesses.

Pension top up – must be paid by 5th April!
Pension top up – must be paid by 5th April!
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on March 13, 2023

It’s always a good idea to review your pension contributions and consider whether it would be beneficial to do a pension top up before the end of the tax year on 5th April.

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