Tax Rebate Companies in HMRC’s sights
Tax Rebate Companies in HMRC’s sights
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 5, 2024

Tax rebate companies promise refunds – but often take a huge slice of what you’re owed. HMRC is now seeking views on repayment agents.

HMRC issues rollover relief warning
HMRC issues rollover relief warning
Posted by Karen Jones on May 30, 2024

HMRC is writing to taxpayers who have claimed provisional rollover relief but have not yet submitted a valid, full claim.

Gifts and Inheritance Tax: don’t fall foul of the rules!
Gifts and Inheritance Tax: don’t fall foul of the rules!
Posted by Ian Henman on May 10, 2024

Do you understand the complex rules governing gifts and Inheritance Tax? If not, HMRC could easily hit you with an unexpectedly high IHT bill.

HMRC incorrectly refunds Class 2 NIC payments
HMRC incorrectly refunds Class 2 NIC payments
Posted by Karen Jones on May 2, 2024

A glitch in HMRC’s systems has seen some Class 2 NIC payments wrongly refunded . Also, HMRC launches a new National Insurance online service.

Late Self-assessment return? Penalties go up in May
Late Self-assessment return? Penalties go up in May
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on April 25, 2024

If you haven’t filed a late Self-assessment Tax Return by 1st May, you’ll get hit by penalties of £10 a day. Don’t fall into this trap!

Millions to become higher rate taxpayers – will you be one?
Millions to become higher rate taxpayers – will you be one?
Posted by Karen Jones on April 22, 2024

Millions of people are set to become higher rate taxpayers, thanks to a frozen personal allowance and wage increases. But can you avoid it?

When should you submit a 60 day CGT return by post?
When should you submit a 60 day CGT return by post?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on April 18, 2024

When you sell certain properties, you usually submit your 60 day CGT return online. In some cases, though, you must post your return to HMRC.

Can’t pay Inheritance Tax? You could apply for a grant on credit
Can’t pay Inheritance Tax? You could apply for a grant on credit
Posted by Ben Locker on April 8, 2024

If you can’t pay Inheritance Tax on time, you may be able to apply to HMRC for a ‘grant on credit’ – giving you extra time to pay.

Charging a company car at home? It’s now tax free
Charging a company car at home? It’s now tax free
Posted by Mark Ingle on March 25, 2024

Do you charge a company car at home? If so, you’ll be glad to know that reimbursements are now tax free. We explain how the new system works.

Working from home tax break: beware the rule change!
Working from home tax break: beware the rule change!
Posted by Karen Jones on March 8, 2024

Have you been claiming the working from home tax relief? If so, make sure you know the correct rules for the current tax year.

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