Landlords looking to buy more energy-efficient properties
Landlords looking to buy more energy-efficient properties
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on December 15, 2023

Landlords are rushing to buy energy-efficient properties. Why? Because new rules could force expensive upgrades of older homes.

Domestic Items Relief and Landlords
Domestic Items Relief and Landlords
Posted by Karen Jones on November 29, 2023

Understanding when domestic items relief can be claimed is important as it determines whether a cost is tax-deductible or not.

Second homes council tax loophole now closed
Second homes council tax loophole now closed
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 24, 2023

Government closes a common second homes council tax loophole. New rules came into force in April 2023.

Landlord limited company formations
Landlord limited company formations
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 20, 2023

Research shows that the numbers of landlord limited company formations continue to increase. But is it worth managing properties in this way?

Letting properties without telling the taxman? He’s scouring the Land Registry..
Letting properties without telling the taxman? He’s scouring the Land Registry..
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 17, 2023

Have you been letting properties without telling the taxman? There might be a chunky fine coming your way for failing to disclose.

New landlord? Make sure your mortgage doesn’t land you in trouble
New landlord? Make sure your mortgage doesn’t land you in trouble
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 15, 2023

If you’re a new landlord, you need to make sure you have the right mortgage – or you could face penalties or have to pay back the whole loan.

Rental income and spouses (pt 2): limited companies
Rental income and spouses (pt 2): limited companies
Posted by Ian Henman on October 27, 2023

In this second post about rental income and spouses, we look at implications for unmarried couples and holding property via a limited company

Section 21 reform postponed – but what happens next?
Section 21 reform postponed – but what happens next?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on October 26, 2023

Section 21 reform seems to have been kicked into the long grass after the latest reading of the Renters (Reform) Bill. So what’s happening?

Rental income and married couples: how does it work?
Rental income and married couples: how does it work?
Posted by Ian Henman on October 18, 2023

When it comes to rental income and married couples, different ownership structures can have different tax implications. We take a closer look.

Capital Gains Tax on sale of property – express service
Capital Gains Tax on sale of property – express service
Posted by Kirsty Demeza on October 6, 2023

Capital Gains Tax on sale of property – you now have only 30 days to calculate the tax due, declare it to HMRC and pay over the tax.

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