Overseas landlord tax clampdown
Overseas landlord tax clampdown
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on August 17, 2023

HMRC is clamping down on overseas landlords who haven’t paid Income Tax or Corporation Tax recently. Here’s what you need to know.

The power of financial forecasting – and how you can get it right
The power of financial forecasting – and how you can get it right
Posted by Ben Locker on August 14, 2023

Are you considering introducing financial forecasting to your business? We look at its benefits and offer tips on getting it right.

Differentiate your business from your competitors
Differentiate your business from your competitors
Posted by Mark Boulter on August 11, 2023

Differentiate your business and stand out in a busy marketplace. We have put together a few tips to help you to make a start.

The top 6 mistakes new businesses make – and how to avoid them
The top 6 mistakes new businesses make – and how to avoid them
Posted by Mark Ingle on August 2, 2023

Starting up a new business? check out these top 6 new business mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Allowable expenses for employees – could you claim back tax?
Allowable expenses for employees – could you claim back tax?
Posted by Karen Jones on July 31, 2023

If you are employed, you may be able claim tax relief on a range of allowable expenses for employees – without having to fill in a tax return

How to run a business? – free up more of your time
How to run a business? – free up more of your time
Posted by Mark Boulter on July 21, 2023

How to run a business – learn how to free up your time by removing unnecessary admin tasks which can hinder your efficiency.

Simplified expenses for self-employed people – a quick guide
Simplified expenses for self-employed people – a quick guide
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on July 19, 2023

What are simplified expenses for self-employed people? And are they worth claiming? We take a look at the pros and cons.

Do you and your fellow shareholders always agree? Watch “The Social Network”!
Do you and your fellow shareholders always agree? Watch “The Social Network”!
Posted by Mark Boulter on July 12, 2023

Shareholders agreement – if you share the ownership/management of your limited company with other shareholders you really need one.

How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
How to protect yourself against pension and tax scams
Posted by Ben Locker on July 11, 2023

HMRC recently issued advice on how to avoid pension and tax scams. We show you how to protect yourself from the scammers.

Small business tax planning: For sole traders
Small business tax planning: For sole traders
Posted by Karen Jones on July 10, 2023

If you’re a sole trader, then small business tax planning is important. Here are some top tips for sole traders to help navigate small business taxes and avoid any taxing, last-minute panic.

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