Working from home tax break: beware the rule change!
Working from home tax break: beware the rule change!
Posted by Karen Jones on March 8, 2024

Have you been claiming the working from home tax relief? If so, make sure you know the correct rules for the current tax year.

Government Gateway accounts to be replaced
Government Gateway accounts to be replaced
Posted by Karen Jones on March 4, 2024

The government is phasing out Government Gateway accounts. Soon you’ll be able to access central government services using a single login.

MTD for Income Tax to cost sole traders and landlords £350
MTD for Income Tax to cost sole traders and landlords £350
Posted by Karen Jones on February 26, 2024

HMRC has released figures that estimate how much it will cost sole traders and landlords to implement and comply with MTD for Income Tax.

Contribute to your partner’s retirement and get pension relief
Contribute to your partner’s retirement and get pension relief
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on February 8, 2024

Did you know that you can contribute to a partner’s or child’s retirement fund and get significant pension tax relief? We explain how.

How to pay CGT the easy way
How to pay CGT the easy way
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on February 1, 2024

If you need to pay CGT on items other than property, there are two ways to do it. Surprisingly, many people fill in a tax return needlessly.

HMRC repays £38m in pension tax
HMRC repays £38m in pension tax
Posted by Karen Jones on January 29, 2024

In the last quarter of 2023, the taxman repaid £38 million in overpaid pension tax. We help you understand whether you’re due a refund.

Are you owed an IR35 tax refund?
Are you owed an IR35 tax refund?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on January 25, 2024

If you are a worker or intermediary who was wrongly deemed to be outside IR35, you may be eligible for an IR35 tax refund. We explain why.

Class 2 NI contributions – what has changed?
Class 2 NI contributions – what has changed?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on December 11, 2023

In his 2023 Autumn Statement, the chancellor announced he was scrapping Class 2 NI contributions. The reality is rather more complex.

Is it time to file your Register of Overseas Entities update?
Is it time to file your Register of Overseas Entities update?
Posted by Shahid Hameed on December 7, 2023

Many organisations will soon need to submit their Register of Overseas Entities update. We talk you through the process.

Gifts out of surplus income and Inheritance Tax
Gifts out of surplus income and Inheritance Tax
Posted by Ian Henman on November 13, 2023

If you give gifts out of surplus income, they don’t attract Inheritance Tax. Yet few people do this. We look at how this tax break works.

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