Owed a Marriage Allowance rebate? You may lose out if you don’t claim by April
Posted by Karen Jones on November 22, 2023Married or in a civil partnership? You could be owed a large Marriage Allowance rebate from HMRC. Don’t miss out; make sure you claim soon.

How to register for VAT – a simple guide
Posted by Mark Ingle on November 20, 2023If you think you need to register for VAT, our simple guide talks you through the steps you need to take – and shows you where to get help.

Landlord limited company formations
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 20, 2023Research shows that the numbers of landlord limited company formations continue to increase. But is it worth managing properties in this way?

Letting properties without telling the taxman? He’s scouring the Land Registry..
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 17, 2023Have you been letting properties without telling the taxman? There might be a chunky fine coming your way for failing to disclose.

New landlord? Make sure your mortgage doesn’t land you in trouble
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 15, 2023If you’re a new landlord, you need to make sure you have the right mortgage – or you could face penalties or have to pay back the whole loan.

Gifts out of surplus income and Inheritance Tax
Posted by Ian Henman on November 13, 2023If you give gifts out of surplus income, they don’t attract Inheritance Tax. Yet few people do this. We look at how this tax break works.

Downsizing Relief: how it can cut your Inheritance Tax bill
Posted by Ian Henman on November 10, 2023Are you familiar with downsizing relief? We help you understand how it works and how it can slash your Inheritance Tax bill.

Choosing an accountant – find the best fit
Posted by Mark Boulter on November 8, 2023Choosing the best accountant to help you with your business or personal affairs could be the most important decision you ever make.

Tax investigation protection – what are the benefits?
Posted by Mark Boulter on November 7, 2023Learn more about why tax investigation protection is worth having and how it can benefit both individuals and businesses.

Christmas parties and tax – what can you claim?
Posted by Ben Locker on November 3, 2023With Christmas looming here we look at the rules regarding entertainment expenses for Christmas parties and what can you claim back?