Online sales tax rules – do you trade on ebay?
Posted by Mark Ingle on January 8, 2024Online sales tax rules changed on 1st January 2024 – digital platforms now have to share detailed user and sales information with HMRC. Do you trade on ebay?

How to finance your business venture – 5 ways to help you
Posted by Mark Boulter on January 8, 2024Financing your business venture can be challenging. Here are five top ways to help you on your way to getting your venture off the ground.

Motivate your team – 10 effective ways
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on January 5, 2024Motivate your team and enjoy rapid success in business. You will need to learn to motivate if it is to achieve great things.

Business change lifecycle – which stage is your business at?
Posted by Mark Ingle on January 1, 2024The business change lifecycle has five stages – we look at how you can identify areas of development that can contribute to future success.

“Cloud Bookkeeping” – can you still do it on a sunny day?
Posted by Kirsty Demeza on December 27, 2023Cloud bookkeeping can be a big help to you in your business. We examine what is involved in using cloud accounting software.

Looking at raising finance for your business?
Posted by Mark Boulter on December 22, 2023Want to start growing your business? Here are some of the key areas you need to look at to start raising finance for your business.

Married? Here’s how to reduce CGT bills
Posted by Karen Jones on December 21, 2023If you are married or in a civil partnership, there’s a simple way to reduce your CGT bills. We take a look at how it works.

HMRC Tax Investigation : What you need to know
Posted by Mark Ingle on December 18, 2023Tax enquiries have been on the rise over the past few years so it’s important that you know what would happen.

Inheritance Tax and the Acceptance in Lieu scheme
Posted by Ben Locker on December 18, 2023If you have an IHT, you may be able to settle it by donating items such as artworks and manuscripts via the Acceptance in Lieu scheme.

DWP to get powers to check bank accounts?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on December 14, 2023A new amendment to the Data Protection and Digital Information bill could give the DWP sweeping powers to check bank accounts.