HMRC continues to clamp down on unpaid dividend tax
Posted by Karen Jones on February 12, 2024HMRC continues to write to business owners it believes have failed to declare and pay dividend tax. We tell you what you need to know.

Companies House to axe filleted and abridged accounts
Posted by Mark Ingle on February 12, 2024The way company accounts are filed will change. However, the loss of filleted and abridged accounts for SMEs will have privacy implications.

Contribute to your partner’s retirement and get pension relief
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on February 8, 2024Did you know that you can contribute to a partner’s or child’s retirement fund and get significant pension tax relief? We explain how.

Innovate grants – your bright idea could net a share of millions
Posted by Andy Green on February 7, 2024Innovate grants – your latest product or service could be supported by Innovate UK, who help businesses to fund new technologies.

State pension age to rise further?
Posted by Ben Locker on February 5, 2024Soon the state pension age will rise to 67. Yet new research suggests it will need to rise to 71 by 2050. When will you be able to retire?

Forward planning in business – creating an effective business plan
Posted by Mark Boulter on February 5, 2024Forward planning in business and business plans is something that most small businesses don’t realise they need. In this article, we look at why a business plan is important.

ATED return (Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings) – don’t forget!
Posted by Karen Jones on February 2, 2024Do you have a company which owns residential properties valued at over £500k? If you do, then you may have to file ATED returns (Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings) and pay additional taxes on them.

How to pay CGT the easy way
Posted by Karen Jones on February 1, 2024If you need to pay CGT on items other than property, there are two ways to do it. Surprisingly, many people fill in a tax return needlessly.

Late tax return? Ask us to help before your tax bill grows
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on January 30, 2024A late tax return can quickly become expensive as penalties and interest accumulate. If your return is late, we can help you.

HMRC repays £38m in pension tax
Posted by Karen Jones on January 29, 2024In the last quarter of 2023, the taxman repaid £38 million in overpaid pension tax. We help you understand whether you’re due a refund.