Do you pay tax on tips? A brief guide
Posted by Karen Jones on July 8, 2024“Do you pay tax on tips?” It may be a simple question, but the answer is surprisingly complex. In this article we take a closer look.

Business protection – isn’t it time you protected your business?
Posted by Laurence Sanderson on July 5, 2024Top Independent Financial Adviser, Laurence Sanderson, takes us through the practical steps businesses should take to protect themselves from unforeseen problems.

Income taxpayers to leap by 4.4 million in 3 years
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on July 4, 2024According to recent statistics from HMRC, millions more of us are become income taxpayers. We look at why this is happening.

MTD for VAT penalties and reporting requirements
Posted by Mark Ingle on July 3, 2024Since April 2022, all VAT registered businesses have had to comply with MTD for VAT. We look at the MTD for VAT penalties for non-compliance?

VAT rules on carbon credits to change
Posted by Mark Ingle on July 1, 2024From September 2024, the VAT rules that apply to voluntary carbon credits will change. We explain what you need to know.

Tapered Annual Allowance, Pensions and Carry Forward..
Posted by Laurence Sanderson on July 1, 2024Understanding what tapered annual allowance is and how carry forward works should help you assess what can be done to minimise the loss of tax relief on your pension.

Charities and VAT: HMRC and definition of ‘business activity’
Posted by Karen Jones on June 28, 2024HMRC changed the way it defines ‘business activities’ sometime ago. This could have implications for organisations, charities and VAT liability.

HMRC fines 95,000 people who don’t owe tax
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 27, 2024HMRC has fined 95,000 people, even though they don’t owe tax. We explain how to avoid this happening to you.

Business problems – we look at the most common ones
Posted by Mark Boulter on June 26, 2024When starting up a new business you will encounter many challenges. Here is a list of the most common problems SMEs face and what you can do to tackle them.

Can podcasts help my business to grow?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on June 24, 2024Podcasts can be an excellent way to help promote your business. In this blog, we look at the use of podcasts in more detail.