Starting a new business? Have you considered the best business structure?
Starting a new business? Have you considered the best business structure?
Posted by Mark Ingle on November 28, 2022

Business structure is very important when starting a new business and it is vital that you consider all the factors when deciding.

Employee ownership: The route to success?
Employee ownership: The route to success?
Posted by Mark Ingle on October 21, 2022

Employee owned businesses can have a positive effect on both the business and the employees. Could employee ownership be a route to success?

Do I need an accountant if I use cloud accounting software?
Do I need an accountant if I use cloud accounting software?
Posted by Mark Ingle on September 1, 2022

Many people ask: “Do I need an accountant if I use cloud accounting software?” If you want to achieve your financial goals, the answer is yes!

Five ways to improve efficiency in your business
Five ways to improve efficiency in your business
Posted by Mark Ingle on August 22, 2022

Our top five tips to start improving your business’ efficiency, gleaned from years of holding back the tide of emails, meetings and office politics…

Zombie company? Is your business one of the walking dead?
Zombie company? Is your business one of the walking dead?
Posted by Mark Ingle on August 15, 2022

Here we examine exactly what a zombie company is and how to bring these ailing businesses back into the land of the living.

Running two businesses for VAT – be careful
Running two businesses for VAT – be careful
Posted by Mark Ingle on August 3, 2022

Running two businesses for VAT could delay VAT registration. We discuss whether you can run two businesses to avoid VAT.

Electric cars and tax – how to offset the full cost of a new vehicle
Electric cars and tax – how to offset the full cost of a new vehicle
Posted by Mark Ingle on April 25, 2022

Do you want to buy a company vehicle? If so, it’s worth knowing the rules covering electric cars and tax – they can save you a lot of money!

How do I arrange a Self-Assessment payment plan?
How do I arrange a Self-Assessment payment plan?
Posted by Mark Ingle on January 20, 2021

Are you going to struggle paying your tax bill this year? If so, you may be able to apply for a Self-Assessment payment plan online.

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