Payment of Capital Gains Tax
Posted by Karen Jones on August 22, 2024Payment of Capital Gains Tax (CGT)? Here we explain how to work out when you’ll need to pay the tax to HMRC and the new rules re property.

Do I need to submit a tax return?
Posted by Karen Jones on August 20, 2024Do you need to submit a tax return? We take a look at the current rules to determine whether you need to submit a self assessment Tax Return to HMRC.

Automatic tax refund cheques to stop
Posted by Karen Jones on August 12, 2024Until recently, if employees didn’t claim a tax refund online, HMRC would automatically send out a cheque. This practice has now stopped.

Got a pension? HMRC may owe you £3000+ in overpaid tax
Posted by Karen Jones on July 26, 2024If you have taken money from your pension pot, there’s a chance that HMRC could owe you over £3,000 in overpaid tax.

Not claiming Child Benefit? You could be damaging your state pension
Posted by Karen Jones on July 24, 2024If you are in the High Income Child Benefit Charge bracket, not claiming child benefit can be a costly mistake as you maybe putting your state pension at risk.

Paying taxes early? Be careful!
Posted by Karen Jones on July 19, 2024HMRC slapped fines on one business owner for paying taxes early. A tribunal overturned the penalties, but it pays to be careful!

Tax refund scams are on the rise. Here’s how to avoid them…
Posted by Karen Jones on July 10, 2024Tax refund scams are on the rise… don’t get caught out, here we look at how to stop and avoid them…

Do you pay tax on tips? A brief guide
Posted by Karen Jones on July 8, 2024“Do you pay tax on tips?” It may be a simple question, but the answer is surprisingly complex. In this article we take a closer look.

Charities and VAT: HMRC and definition of ‘business activity’
Posted by Karen Jones on June 28, 2024HMRC changed the way it defines ‘business activities’ sometime ago. This could have implications for organisations, charities and VAT liability.

MTD for ITSA update
Posted by Karen Jones on June 21, 2024MTD for ITSA will apply to sole trader businesses and individuals with income over £50,000 from April 2026.