VAT Repayment Supplement abolished. But what has replaced it?
Posted by Karen Jones on January 23, 2023The VAT Repayment Supplement of 5% was replaced last year by a new scheme. Sadly, this scheme is a lot less generous.

Capital Allowances – Six things to know about
Posted by Karen Jones on March 9, 2022One of the first things you should know about Capital Allowances is what you can claim on? We explain below what qualifies for Capital Allowances, along with some other things we think you should know.

Tax Return deadline looms. Don’t forget to pay any amounts due by 31 January!
Posted by Karen Jones on January 9, 2021The Tax Return online submission deadline is looming ever closer (31st January) so If you haven’t made your submission or provided everything to your accountant you are very short on time to get this done.