Second homes council tax loophole now closed
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 24, 2023Government closes a common second homes council tax loophole. New rules came into force in April 2023.

Landlord limited company formations
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 20, 2023Research shows that the numbers of landlord limited company formations continue to increase. But is it worth managing properties in this way?

Letting properties without telling the taxman? He’s scouring the Land Registry..
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 17, 2023Have you been letting properties without telling the taxman? There might be a chunky fine coming your way for failing to disclose.

New landlord? Make sure your mortgage doesn’t land you in trouble
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on November 15, 2023If you’re a new landlord, you need to make sure you have the right mortgage – or you could face penalties or have to pay back the whole loan.

Workplace Pensions and auto enrolment – the facts
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on October 20, 2023Learn more about the key facts about workplace pensions and what is required by UK businesses to provide for their staff.

Side hustle tax rules – HMRC is watching
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on October 16, 2023New side hustle tax rules will see the taxman clamping down on people who don’t declare gig economy income. Here’s what you need to know.

Income tax refunds – beware if they’re too good to be true
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on October 9, 2023If you’re offered income tax refunds that seem to good to be true, they probably are – as some people have discovered to their cost.

IR35 checks – did you know you could do them online?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on October 2, 2023IR35 checks are important for hiring organisations – get them wrong and it gets expensive. We show you how to do IR35 checks online.

Flexible Working – how does it work?
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on September 27, 2023Flexible working – are we moving away from working in a physical office?

Double tax timing whammy…..watch out!
Posted by Jon Pryse-Jones on September 18, 2023Double tax whammy – if you have some outstanding tax or untaxed rental income, then you may be affected by the double tax trap.