Landlord Tax Advice for THP clients

If you are a THP Platinum Service Landlord client and we prepare your Self-Assessment Tax Returns, then you qualify for our specialist landlord tax planning service. It's designed to help make your portfolio profitable, tax-efficient and in good shape for the future.

We offer this planning service only to our existing landlord tax clients because to be able to provide you with the best advice it's essential for us to be familiar with your overall financial situation.

As a Landlord you can obtain an instant quote for our Platinum Landlord Service here which includes the use of FREE SPECIALIST LANDLORD SOFTWARE, preparation of your Self Assessment Tax Return and much more besides.

Once you have signed up and are onboarded, you'll be able to tap into expert tax advice from people who have a wealth of knowledge about all the problems landlords encounter when managing a Buy-To-Let portfolio.

Whether you’re thinking of selling or transferring your properties to your spouse or a limited company, or you simply need help when the tax man comes knocking, our tried-and-tested services can get the results you need.

Below are the main services we offer to our landlord clients but if you need any other accountancy or landlord tax advice please talk to your account manager.

In the majority of situations probably not unless you have a large portfolio as the costs will likely exceed the benefits. Please read our page on this subject which outlines some of the issues and pitfalls. If you would like specific advice for your own situation, please look at our Platinum Service for Landlords.

Unfortunately not. Preparing a tax return is part of our Platinum Service for Landlords and gives us a good understanding of your overall financial situation. We can then provide you with accurate landlord tax planning advice in a way that will be cost effective for you. Once you have become a THP Platinum Service for Landlords member, we will be in a position to offer you joined-up planning advice to help save you paying unnecessary tax and to plan for the future.

We offer a complete range of accountancy and tax planning services. We can advise you on other services that can help you get more from your property portfolio. Many of our accountants are buy-to-let landlords themselves, so they have a deep understanding of the issues you face.

Yes, we can. The rules for tax reliefs have changed significantly over recent years and we can provide you with up-to-date information. We can also help you navigate the maze of allowable deductions - you'll be glad to know that your accountancy fees are a deductable expense!
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